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Cor Kommeren's aquarium

Information about this aquarium:   LxWxH: 150x50x60, gross 450 litres (Juwel 400)

In this tank I've used 30 kg stones and four large pieces of wood to create some hiding places.

Filter                                          : 1 x Eheim 2028 "Professional II" 1050 ltr/h

Airpump                                     : 1 x Tetratec Aps-300 with 2 outflows

Heating                                      : Eheim Jäger-type 3619, 300 W

Lighting                                      : 1x tl "Sylvania daylichtstar" 36 W

                                                     1x tl "Sylvania grolux" 36 W
The next Malawi-cichlids are divided over this aquarium and over the four breeding tanks I have:

                                                  Cynotilapia sp."hara" (1 male + 2 females)

                                                  Cynotilapia sp."lion" Lion`s Cove (1 male + 1 female)

                                                  Iodotropheus sprengerae (1 male + 1 female)

                                                  Labeotropheus fuelleborni OB (2 males + 2 females)

                                                  Labeotropheus trewavasae (1 male + 2 females)

                                                  Labidochromis caeruleus "yellow" (1 male + 2 females)

                                                  Labidochromis caeruleus "white" (1 male + 2 females)

                                                  Labidochromis sp."perlmutt" (1 male + 1 female)

                                                  Metriaclima estherae OB (1 male + 2 females)

                                                  Metriaclima fainzilberi (1 male + 2 females)

                                                  Metriaclima lombardoi (1 male + 1 female)

                                                  Metriaclima sp."membe deep" (1 male + 2 females)

                                                  Metriaclima sp."msobo" Magunga (1 male + 1 female)

                                                  Metriaclima pulpican "Maingano" (1 male + 1 female)

                                                  Pseudotropheus sp."acei" yellow tail (1 male + 2 females)

                                                  Pseudotropheus sp."acei" white tail (1 male + 1 female)

                                                  Pseudotropheus crabro (1 male + 2 females)

                                                  Pseudotropheus elongatus (1 male)

                                                  Pseudotropheus sp."polit" Lion`s Cove (1 male)
Furthermore there are swimming the following other species in these tanks:

                                                  Aequidens pulcher (blue acara) (1 male)

                                                  Ancistrus dolichopterus (3 males + 6 females)

                                                  Botia histrionica (Gold zebra-loach) (1)

                                                  Botia macracanthus (clown botia) (2)

                                                  Botia striata (1)